Flone Initiative is a women-led organization, working towards the creation of safe, sustainable, and accessible public transportation spaces for women and vulnerable groups. The initiative focuses on generating knowledge, convening inclusive dialogues, supporting women in transportation, and building capacity of key stakeholders to contribute to the realization of an equitable and socially just mass transportation ecosystem in Africa. To establish how women have been affected by COVID-19 and the measures that the government has put in place regarding the virus, Flone conducted a random sampling of 30 out of the 70 women in transport members in Nairobi. Flone then met with the Women in Transport elected officials to develop interventions/a wish-list. Survey findings include the following categories: profiles of the women in transportation, health status, job loss, fear of contracting COVID, food insecurity, rent, presence of children at home, and fear of being caught outside after curfew.